November 2011 | Miami Green Events
< Previous Events December 2011 > is a GREEN EVENTS CALENDAR featuring South Florida environmental design, garden lectures, and eco events. The calendar is provided as a community service for South Florida environmental activists, garden enthusiasts and green industry professionals. Each of the organizations featured in our calendar is a priceless resource of information for sustainable living practices - consider joining a South Florida garden club or plant society today! Please check each organization's website for more information about individual events and to confirm last minute changes in venues, times and dates. Thank you for visiting.
November 1, 2011 | Orchid Society of Coral Gables topic: New Speaker and Topics every month location: Fairchild Tropical Garden | 10901 Old Cutler Road | Miami, FL room: Corbin Building, classroom "A" time: 7:30 pm web: |
November 2, 2011 | Redland Evening Herb Society topic: New topic & speaker each month location: Fruit and Spice Park | 24801 SW 187 Ave | Homestead, Florida 33031 date: First Wednesday of each Month time: 7:30pm web: |
November 2-4 | American Public Gardens Association 2011 Historic Landscapes Symposium location: Viscaya Museum & Gardens address:| 3251 South Miami Ave. | Miami, FL date: Saturday, November 12, 2011 time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM web: Join horticulturalists, cultural historians and landscape architects as they discuss their work in preserving America's cultural legacies. The symposium will cover the principles and management methods to preserving historic landscapes of the United States. Lecture topics include the design principles to restoring historic landscapes, heirloom plants, landscape design principles and the successful management of cultural resources. |
November 4-6 | Tropical Audubon Native Plant Sale location: Doc Thomas House | 5530 Sunset Drive | Miami, FL 33143
date: Friday Members only pre-sale ($20 per year) 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm date: Saturday November 5th | 9 am – 5 pm date: Sunday November 6th | 9 am – 3 pm web: The Tropical Audubon native plant sales are famous for the great selection of South Florida native plants. Volunteers are on hand to help you choose the best plants for the design of your native landscape. The sale features rockland and hammock plants, butterfly and bird attractors, and Florida wildflowers. Used books will also be on sale. Arrive early for best selection. |
November 5 - 6 | South Florida Palm Society Palms come in every shape and size and are a must for every home garden. You don't truly have the unique tropical South Florida look until your garden is planted with palms. The South Florida Palm Society offers the largest selection of palms available for the home landscape with vendors and members available for advice and to answer your questions about incredibly beautiful and interesting tropical plants. location: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Miami, Florida date: Saturday and Sunday | 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. web: South Florida Palm Society Palm and Cycad Sale |
November 8 | Flora of Australia Lecture organization: Montgomery Botanical Center location: 11901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida 33156 rooom: Nixon Smiley Building time: 2:00-3:30pm web: Montgomery Botanical Garden Events Dr. John Leslie Dowe, Adjunct Research Fellow at James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia & Research Fellow at Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, Florida will be presenting a lecture on the Flora of Australia. The presentation will explain the history and background of the Flora of Australia project, and will introduce the Australian palms as well as two other important families that the author has an interest in, the Pandanaceae [Pandans] and the Araceae [Aroids]. The talk will focus on these three families as they occur in Australia, and outline the species and their relationships. |
November 10 | George Merrick's Vision for Coral Gables location: Coral Gables Museum | 285 Aragon Avenue | Coral Gables, Florida
price: $7 Museum admission per person | Free for Museum members time: 7pm - 9pm web: Historian, author and curator, Arva Moore Parks presents of the inaugural exhibition of the Coral Gables Museum, Creating the Dream: George Merrick and His Vision For Coral Gables. Parks explores Merrick's fertile imagination and how nature, people and his experiences shaped a vision that became Coral Gables. Interests: urban planning, historic architecture, landscape architecture |
November 10 | South Dade Garden Club topic: New topic and speaker each month location: Fruit and Spice Park | 24801 SW 187 Ave | Homestead, Florida 33031 date: Second Thursday of each month time: 7:00pm web: |
November 12 | Viscaya - Behind the Scenes Tour organization: American Institute of Architects (AIA) | Miami Chapter location: Viscaya Museum & Gardens address:| 3251 South Miami Ave. | Miami, FL date: Saturday, November 12, 2011 time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM tickets: |
November 11-13 | The Ramble: A Garden Festival The Ramble: A Garden Festival has been hosted by Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden for the last 70 years. South Florida's most loved and oldest garden party, The Ramble let you experience a blend of old traditions and new introductions with Nell's Tea Garden, the largest plant sale in South Florida, antiques and collectibles, garden themed art, old and rare books, Kid Way, live music and the incredible ramble raffle. date: Friday - Sunday | 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM location: Fairchild Tropical Garden | 10901 Old Cutler Road | Miami, Florida web: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Interests: plant sales, book sales, antique sales, farmers market |
November 15 | Bromeliad Society of South Florida topic: New and improved methods to protect bromeliads from cold weather speaker: Jay Thurrott location: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road,Miami, FL 33156 room: Corbin Building | Classroom A dates: 7:00 pm web: |
November 16 | Orchid Society of South Florida topic: “How to Grow Great Slipper Orchids by Glen Dcecker location: Fire Fighters Memorial Building | 8000 NW 21st St | Miami, FL date: Third Wednesday of every month | October 19 | 7:30 pm time: Registration & Judging of plants 7:15 PM | Program Begins 8:00 PM web: |
November 16 | USGBC South Florida Chapter topic: Dispelling The Myth Surrounding Green Certified Homes location: University of Miami | School of Architecture address: 1223 Dickinson Drive Coral Gables, FL room: Stanley and Jewell Glasgow Lecture Hall time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM web: USGBC South Florida Chapter Interests: LEED, design, landscape architecture, architecture, environmental design |
November 17 | 21st Century Botanic Gardens location: The Kampong | 4013 South Douglas Road | Miami, Florida
price: $10 suggested donation/general public, Free to Kampong Fellows & Members time: Coffee/dessert Reception at 6:30PM, Lecture at 7PM web: The Kampong is excited to host Dr. M. Patrick Griffith, who will discuss the challenges, opportunities, and technologies for 21st century botanic gardens. Dr. Griffith has led Montgomery Botanical Center since 2005. He has worked in living collections management, herbarium curation, rare plant survey, floristic inventory, lab research and land management. |
November 19 | Historic Coral Rock Homes Bicycle Tour location: Coral Gables Museum | 285 Aragon Avenue | Coral Gables, Florida price: Tour & picnic lunch is $15 per person | $10 for Museum members time: 11:00 am rsvp: [email protected] web: Coral Gables Museum presents Coral ROCKS! – a Coral Rock Homes tour will take you on a tree-shaded route through beautiful Coral Gables to explore historic houses made from Coral Rock with Christine Rupp, Director of Operations at the Coral Gables Museum. Arrive to the museum early for complimentary admission and to view a gallery that speaks to coral stone, the foundation of the Gables. From the Museum, participants will ride their bicycles through Coral Gables ending the tour with a picnic lunch at the Merrick House - the Grande Dame of all coral rock homes. Interests: historic architecture, landscape architecture, environmental design |
November 20 | Vizcaya to North Grove Bike Tour location: Viscaya Museum and Gardens address: 3251 South Miami Ave. | Miami, Florida time: 10am - 12 pm reservations: Reservations are made through History Miami only contact: [email protected] or 305-375-1621. admission: AIA Members: $25.00 | Non-Members: $30.00 Take a spin through the lush, leafy streets of the North Grove with eco-historian Frank Schema, who will point out the neighborhood’s botanical and architectural treasures along the clear, calm water of Biscayne Bay. You’ll learn about the rockland hammock at Vizcaya and check out the area’s quaint architecture, ranging from historic vernacular cottages to modern houses by Arquitectonica. Reservation fee includes admission to Vizcaya after the bike tour. Advance reservations & payment required. |
November 22 | AIA Design Lecture Roberto Rivera on Landscape Architecture location: MDC Kendall Campus | room: K413 time: 7:00pm web: Interests: urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental design |
November 22 Florida Native Plant Society Miami-Dade
topic: “Florida’s Most Exquisite Wildflowers” by Roger Hammer location: Pinecrest Gardens 11000 Southwest 57th Avenue Miami, Florida 33156 time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm web: |
November 28 |Tropical Flowering Tree Society speaker: John Banta | Tropical Plant and Aroid grower location: Fairchild Tropical Garden | 10901 Old Cutler Road | Miami, FL 33156 room: Corbin Building, classroom "A" date: Fourth Monday of each month time: 7:30 pm |
© 2011 | | South Florida Green Events Calendar | Miami, Florida