June 18 | South Florida Bromeliad Society Lecture
topic: Hybridizing Bromeliads
location: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old
Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33156
time: 7:30 PM
web: http://www.bssf-miami.org/
June 20 | Screening: Magic in the Air: Hummingbirds at Home Documentary
Location: Tropical Audubon Society | 5530 Sunset Dr, Miami, FL 33143
Time: 7:30-9 p.m.
Chill out with Tropical Audubon Society on June 20th, feed your mind and learn to how attract and track hummers in your garden! TAS is hosting a special screening of the PBS Nature documentary "Hummingbirds: Magic In the Air," part of Audubon's new national program titled "Hummingbirds at Home."
Hummingbirds can be elusive in the wild. In "Hummingbirds: Magic In the Air," high-speed film technology enables us to enter their extraordinary world with stunning close-ups in thrilling HD. For more information, click here.
R.S.V.P.: Because the weather on June 20th may dictate that "Hummingbirds: Magic In
the Air" be screened indoors in the air-conditioned comfort of the historic Doc Thomas
House, seating may be limited. To better assure your seat, please kindly R.S.V.P. at [email protected] & arrive on time.
A donation BirdBar will provide liquid refreshment and popcorn will be on the house (in this case, the Doc Thomas House).
June 22 | Why Landscapes Fail
location: South Miami Library
address: 6000 Sunset Dr, South Miami, FL 33143
time: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Guillermo Salazar, an agent with the the University of Florida's Extention office's Florida Yards &
Neighborhoods program, will teach attendees about the most common landscape failures and how to prevent them in you back yard. Aspiring gardeners can also learn how to design Florida-friendly landscapes and will also have the opportunity to participate in a shower head and light bulb
June 25 | Florida Native Plant Society Miami-Dade Lecture
location: Pinecrest Gardens 11000 Southwest 57th Avenue | Miami, FL 33156
time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
web: www.dade.fnpschapters.org
June 26 | Redland Tropical Fruit & Vegetable Society
topic: New topic and speaker each month
location: Fruit and Spice Park | 24801 SW 187 Avenue | Homestead, FL 33031
date: Last Wednesday of each month
time: 7:30 pm
web: Facebook
topic: Hybridizing Bromeliads
location: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old
Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33156
time: 7:30 PM
web: http://www.bssf-miami.org/
June 20 | Screening: Magic in the Air: Hummingbirds at Home Documentary
Location: Tropical Audubon Society | 5530 Sunset Dr, Miami, FL 33143
Time: 7:30-9 p.m.
Chill out with Tropical Audubon Society on June 20th, feed your mind and learn to how attract and track hummers in your garden! TAS is hosting a special screening of the PBS Nature documentary "Hummingbirds: Magic In the Air," part of Audubon's new national program titled "Hummingbirds at Home."
Hummingbirds can be elusive in the wild. In "Hummingbirds: Magic In the Air," high-speed film technology enables us to enter their extraordinary world with stunning close-ups in thrilling HD. For more information, click here.
R.S.V.P.: Because the weather on June 20th may dictate that "Hummingbirds: Magic In
the Air" be screened indoors in the air-conditioned comfort of the historic Doc Thomas
House, seating may be limited. To better assure your seat, please kindly R.S.V.P. at [email protected] & arrive on time.
A donation BirdBar will provide liquid refreshment and popcorn will be on the house (in this case, the Doc Thomas House).
June 22 | Why Landscapes Fail
location: South Miami Library
address: 6000 Sunset Dr, South Miami, FL 33143
time: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Guillermo Salazar, an agent with the the University of Florida's Extention office's Florida Yards &
Neighborhoods program, will teach attendees about the most common landscape failures and how to prevent them in you back yard. Aspiring gardeners can also learn how to design Florida-friendly landscapes and will also have the opportunity to participate in a shower head and light bulb
June 25 | Florida Native Plant Society Miami-Dade Lecture
location: Pinecrest Gardens 11000 Southwest 57th Avenue | Miami, FL 33156
time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
web: www.dade.fnpschapters.org
June 26 | Redland Tropical Fruit & Vegetable Society
topic: New topic and speaker each month
location: Fruit and Spice Park | 24801 SW 187 Avenue | Homestead, FL 33031
date: Last Wednesday of each month
time: 7:30 pm
web: Facebook